Fee Schedule
Before deciding to begin counseling, please consider the cost of treatment. This can be an important factor in determining whether now is a good time to start counseling. The fees for services are listed below. Each payment is due at the time of service. Payment can be made by cash, check (made payable to Pickerington Psychological Services, LLC), or credit card. If a check does not clear at the bank, you may be asked to pay for future services in cash. There is a $15.00 fee charged for each returned check in addition to the amount of the check. Pickerington Psychological Services, LLC does not accept any insurance, but a "super bill" (gives all necessary information that an insurance company needs) can be provided for you to submit to your insurance company. Most insurance companies will reimburse you at their "out of network rate" for services provided, but please check with your insurance company. In some instances this can be as much 80% of the out of pocket expense. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please don't hesitate to contact me and I will try to work with you to make alternative arrangements.
Fees Related to Legal Services
Any fees relating to foreseen or unforeseen legal action that require the reproduction of records or participate in depositions or court appearances will be the responsibility of the person who is responsible for the client’s bill. This is without regard to who files the subpoena or initiates the legal action. It is the signor’s responsibility to obtain reimbursement from any other party. Fifty percent (50%) of the estimated charges must be paid in advance.
Fees Related to Legal Services
Any fees relating to foreseen or unforeseen legal action that require the reproduction of records or participate in depositions or court appearances will be the responsibility of the person who is responsible for the client’s bill. This is without regard to who files the subpoena or initiates the legal action. It is the signor’s responsibility to obtain reimbursement from any other party. Fifty percent (50%) of the estimated charges must be paid in advance.
- Intake Assessment (1st appointment only)- $100.00
- Psychotherapy session-$75.00
- Couples Intake (1st appointment only) -$115.00
- Couples Counseling session -$85.00
- Testing Services -$125.00 (per hour)
- Cancelled/Missed Appts. without 24 hr. notice -$35.00
- Telephone Consultation - $35 (up to half hour)
- Court Appearance -$300.00 (per hour)